Zero is the fourth original album of Ichiko Aoba (青葉市子) released in 2013. いきのこり●ぼくら (We the Survival) i am POD(0%) Mars 2027 いりぐちでぐち(Entrance-Exit) うたのけはい (Shadow of a Song) 機械仕掛乃宇宙 (Mechanical Cosmo…
Utabiko is the third album of Ichiko Aoba (青葉市子) published in 2012. Like most of her albums, the title Utabiko (うたびこ) is also a word coined by her, perhaps a mixture of Uta, or a song, and -biko (Hiko) which implies echo. IMPERIAL …
Origami is the second album of Ichiko Aoba (青葉市子) published in 2011. Here, her distinguished style is unchanged from the debut album, Kamisori Otome. [Ichiko Aoba / Kamisori Otome - ふつうの人はCDなんてもう買わなくなった] Origami (檻髪…
Different from a typical kind of "best album," The Other: I Already Got Tired (『The Other―もうあきてしまった』) focuses on "the other" side of Kiyoshi Hasegawa (長谷川きよし, b. 1949). He is broadly recongnised as an expert of Spanish gui…
I mainly listen to old good musics, but Ichico Aoba (青葉市子) is truly exceptional. Her music does not belong to any specific times. I have billion words for describing and praising her, but here I try to make myself content to introduce …