Zero is the fourth original album of Ichiko Aoba (青葉市子) released in 2013.
- いきのこり●ぼくら (We the Survival)
- i am POD(0%)
- Mars 2027
- いりぐちでぐち(Entrance-Exit)
- うたのけはい (Shadow of a Song)
- 機械仕掛乃宇宙 (Mechanical Cosmos)
- 四月の支度 (Preparation for April)
- はるなつあきふゆ(Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter)
The style of her music is constant, but there is clearly a certain difference in each album of hers.
The music video for (1) is also charming, just as the song itself. After once watching the video, someday you would meet again Ichiko and the cute monster in your dream, I bet.
The songs (3) and (4) were recorded in a tunnel in the Kunisaki peninsula of the prefecture of Oh'ita. Playing the guitar and singing, Ichiko walked through the dark tunnel; so, here you hear the voice of wind, and the talks of crowded bats.
(from the interview, 青葉市子「0」インタビュー (3/3) - 音楽ナタリー 特集・インタビュー )
(6) and (8) are songs written by Anmi Yamda (山田庵巳), to whom Ichiko often refers as her teacher of music. I do love the songs so much that I would like to write about them in another blog entry.