This is the first album of Mari Henmi (辺見マリ, b. 1950) published in 1971, featuring her biggest hit "Keiken (経験)."
- めまい(Dizziness)
- 経験(The Experience)
- 私生活(Private Life)
- ダニエル・モナムール (Daniel Mon Amour)
- 男の部屋(Man's Room)
- 光の季節(The Season of Light)
- ジュテーム(Je T'aime Moi Non Plus)
- アイドルを探せ(La plus Belle pour Aller Danser)
- サン・トワ・マミー(Sans Toi M'amie)
- 死ぬほど愛して(Sinno Me Moro)
- ブルージーンと皮ジャンパー(En Blue Jeans et Blouson D'cuir)
- 忘れないわ(I'll Never Forget You)
- チャオ・チャオ・バンビーナ (Ciao, Ciao, Bnambina)
- ピッコラ・ピッコラ (Piccola, Piccola)
- ささやく瞳(Gli Occhi Miei)
Songs (13) - (15) are bonus tracks fot the reissue CD in 2011 and 2018. The arranger of the album is Makoto Kawaguchi (川口真), while the lyricist of the most songs is Kazumi Yasui (安井かずみ) and the writer of 5 songs is Kunihiko Murai (村井邦彦).
Mari Henmi is one of the representatives of "Sexy Pop (セクシー歌謡)" at that time, as well as Mari Sono (園マリ), Chiyo Okumura (奥村チヨ). And you can find many followers of the trend in Japanese pops, like Mari Natsuki (夏木マリ), Mari Anzai (安西マリア), or Rinda Yamamoto (山本リンダ), as pointed out in the linernote of the reissue CD by Motohiro Makaino (馬飼野元弘).
Frankly speaking, I am disappointed that my favorite song "Furimukanai Kisetsu (ふりむかない季節)" which was in the B-side of her first single coupled with (4) "Daniel Mon Amour" is not contained in this album.
Anyway, the appeal of "Sexy Pop" like the songs in this album is kitschy taste they give to us. For exmaple, (11) En Blue Jeans et Blouson D'cuir Daniel Mon Amour, the cover of Salvatrore Adamo, sounds like a song by Nino Ferrer, in some part.
Oh, and It is definitely noteworthy that a boxer Masahiko Harada or "fighting" Harada (ファイティング原田) and a manga artist Yasuji Tanioka (谷岡ヤスジ) dedicate some words for Mari Henmi in the booklet in this album. I am sorry there is too much things to explain the meaning of their dedications here, but I can say that these things are proof of that she was one of the icons of the Japanese pop culture at that time.